
Musique et Santé

Advocating and working for the development of live music in hospitals and institutions for disabled persons.
+334 94 07 76 19 – Hameaux du Château Vert, 27 placette Dronte 83110 Sanary sur Mer

Training “Music for Health” at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester

The Royal Northern College of Music hosted 5 of Musique & Santé’s musicians and coordinators from March 3 to 7, 2008 for an exchange and sharing week on the theme of music in healthcare settings (musical interventions, practices, transmission of competences to further musicians).

Musical interventions were carried out for and with the patients (babies, children adults, and elderly persons) of the Booth Hall hospital, the Manchester Royal Infirmary and the St Mary’s Hospital for Women and Children.

This project was supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission (Grundtvig) and the Greater Manchester Strategic Alliance (GMSA).