Partnership Projects
Musique & Santé's actions are carried out in close collaboration with the hospital so that music can become an integral part of the units. For each project to be durable, training sessions are offered to the care staff. The projects are carried out in the framework of each hospital’s cultural policy.
Our parterships with healthcare establishments are based on different types of actions:
Regular Musical Activities
Regular musical activities in the framework of annual agreements with the health or handicap institutions. Different approaches and methods: playing at patients’ bedsides, workshops, ambulatory concerts, playing for and with the patients, families, and care staff. Playing or singing for all ages – from premature babies to the elderly.
Artistic Residencies
Composers and performers are invited to lead artistic, creative workshops and participatory musical activities with patients and staff (songs writing, vocal and percussions workshops, concerts,…) for a condensed period of time (e.g. 5 days in a row). These residencies are supervised by a musician who belongs to Musique & Santé.
Professional Training
Professional training for the staff of the health and handicap sectors and for musicians on the topics of music practice and its integration in a medical environment, the general care given to patients, cultural care,…
Research and Reflection
Research and reflection with medical and care staff. Each action is followed by an evaluation so that the necessary improvements can be made. Musique & Santé also collaborates with research centres which work on the themes of relational care and pain (Centre National de Ressources de lutte contre la Douleur, Espace Éthique Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, Strasbourg University Hospital...) as well as organising and participating in numerous conferences.
Musique & Santé promotes and encourages the meeting of cultural institutions and artists with hospitals that are willing to develop musical projects (Orchestre National de France and Hôpital de Pédiatrie et de Rééducation in Bullion, Cité de la Musique and Hôpital Kremlin-Bicêtre, the City Cultural Office and the hospital of Montereau,…).